This year the camp kitchen was the focal point of park activities more than has been the case in the past, for obvious reasons. The weather put paid to what has been, in the past, the traditional normal afternoon gathering of the various clans around a vacant slab or on the grass near our van for happy hour. This year we needed cover.
Apart from Xmas in July, the annual 'wine tasting' night is a social must here at Kurrimine Beach. The local Murdering Point Winery, which specialises in 'tropical wines' based on a number of somewhat exotic fruits, is the source of the evening's offerings. I think it fair to say that many of their products are not quite what Liz and I would quaff on a regular basis, but we have both agreed that a couple of their fortified ports are worth a second sip.

But all this is really irrelevant. The wines are merely the catalyst for a great night of nonsense. The troops assembled in the camp kitchen at the appointed hour to start proceedings by munching on an array of excellent pre-tasting nibbles, provided as usual, by the park.

As dictated by tradition, the samples are presented by the Kay and Marcus, the park owners, who arrive as their alter egos, the 'Marquis de Cuisine' and his lovely consort, 'Kay Sera. After some introductory nonsense from the French nobleman, in a quite passable pseudo French accent,

the serious business of the evening began.
She was soon being 'double teamed' and any resistance soon crumbled.
"Well, come on old mate, you're dragging the chain".
"I'll have another two thank you!"

As has always been the case in the past, this was a highlight night of 'the season'. This delightful German couple, who had been planning to stay only one night, were chuffed they had been persuaded to extend...they really couldn't believe what they had struck.

And of course, Jannes was still with us, and..... "of course I'll do another show".

Needless to say, he dragged all and sundry into his act.

This was much better than the traditional karaoke. "Come on, Pete, we must do 'Bye Bye Love' again". "Only if you insist, Jannes".

Even Wok found himself caught up in the occasion, when it was confirmed (for any who didn't already know) that as a singer, he makes a great Jumbo jet pilot.

The evening continued apace for quite some time. Jannes was again at his best, much to the delight of his new band of park 'groupies'.
There was only one sour note during the entire evening and it came in the form of the bloke sitting opposite us (who shall remain nameless and who arrived at that seat much to my chagrin....I knew his form).
And he was true to form. Apart from the fact he and his wife spent much of their time seeing just how many dim sims or spring rolls they could hoover off each passing plate (with both hands at once, mind you), he maintained a running diatribe of criticism of the wines being offered. We all know that many of these are not to our personal tastes....that's not the point. We just wish that those who are not prepared to enter into the real spirit of the evening would just stay in their vans. Fortunately, after the last nibble tray had done the rounds, he and his wife found that they had nothing to keep them there.....hooray!

Fortunately this pinched and unpleasant person was in the absolute minority here at KB. As for the rest of us, well, we made sure we gathered each Friday evening in the camp kitchen and had the time of our lives.

Even those who cannot leave their canine companions in the van could join in and take up a seat in the 'outer'.

And, as always, we had to sing for our suppers, first the boys

and then the girls,

cheered on by the 'likely lads'

And, again as always, your scribe was hauled onto his feet on several occasions to provide singing support for Marcus

and Corey.
The main speakers on the karaoke machine had died over the summer, and although sound had been routed through the TV system, it was not really up to scratch, and the karaoke sessions were limited as a result.

But that's not to say some didn't end with a bang. Tracey was her usual ebullient self, even if she and Wayne were performing to a limited audience on this particular occasion.
So let me conclude this pot pourri of camp kitchen silliness with what we have all voted the crowning glory of park nonsense for this year......'Shadow' the dog.
He just loves to have his ears tickled! What, you can't see anything? My good mate Silvio decided this year that he was tired of being one of the few to arrive without a pet. 'Shadow' , the invisible dog was born. But, as an exemplary park citizen, Silv never let Shadow off his lead,

particularly when he was coming visiting and meeting other dogs. I know....grown men and all that. Never a dull moment here at KB...well rarely!
Notwithstanding all this nonsense, there can be a serious side to the camaraderie here at KB. One of the park regular couples hail from SA, from Pinery to be precise, the area utterly devastated by a massive bush fire last summer. Shirley and Allan lost everything except their car, van and the clothes they were wearing.

A donations bowl was set up at each Wednesday scone morning. Unbeknown to them, they were to be the beneficiaries. We all had great pleasure in watching Shirley's and Allan's reaction when, on their last Friday night in the park, Tracey handed them just over $400 and our collective best wishes for the rebuilding programme which was to be in full swing on their return to say they were touched, is a masterpiece of understatement.
But, you see, this really encapsulates what this park is all about, and why we come back year after year.

And one in our company could not be happier about that. Max absolutely loves Kurrimine Beach. Here, each morning (each dry morning to be more precise), he goes on patrol in the leaf litter and grass at the rear of our slab, drawn by the constant and elusive rustle of small skinks.

Fortunately for the local wild life his strike rate is abysmal.

Even when he does have success, he invariably looses concentration and his potential prey skitter off back whence they came. As we have always said, Max would starve in the wild!

All this morning activity has an inevitable result. We never see much of Max in the afternoon!
Well, folks, that's about it for Kurrimine Beach 2016, a year which will be remembered for many things.....great company, constant laughter, some good fish (I did manage two days out in the park boat when we defied the trend for this year and actually caught some fine spotted mackerel), hilarious social nights in the camp kitchen....oh, yes, and the rain!
It could not possibly be this wet next year is the thought uppermost in our minds as we prepare to make our departure. Or could it? By this time next year we should have the answer.
But all this is really irrelevant. The wines are merely the catalyst for a great night of nonsense. The troops assembled in the camp kitchen at the appointed hour to start proceedings by munching on an array of excellent pre-tasting nibbles, provided as usual, by the park.
As dictated by tradition, the samples are presented by the Kay and Marcus, the park owners, who arrive as their alter egos, the 'Marquis de Cuisine' and his lovely consort, 'Kay Sera. After some introductory nonsense from the French nobleman, in a quite passable pseudo French accent,
the serious business of the evening began.
I think it is reasonable to comment that this is an evening when Marcus is really at his best....and his best can be very funny. For the first timers, Leslie, Lyn, Maja and Wok, there were times when I am sure they did not quite know what they had struck.
If there may be a question or two about quality, there is can never be any challenge as quantity. "Now come on Lyn, don't be shy."
She was soon being 'double teamed' and any resistance soon crumbled.
Wok had no such reservations...with the obvious end result. He was silly enough to ask for tasting notes and was soon surrounded.
"Well, come on old mate, you're dragging the chain".
"I'll have another two thank you!"
As has always been the case in the past, this was a highlight night of 'the season'. This delightful German couple, who had been planning to stay only one night, were chuffed they had been persuaded to extend...they really couldn't believe what they had struck.
And of course, Jannes was still with us, and..... "of course I'll do another show".
Needless to say, he dragged all and sundry into his act.
This was much better than the traditional karaoke. "Come on, Pete, we must do 'Bye Bye Love' again". "Only if you insist, Jannes".
Even Wok found himself caught up in the occasion, when it was confirmed (for any who didn't already know) that as a singer, he makes a great Jumbo jet pilot.
The evening continued apace for quite some time. Jannes was again at his best, much to the delight of his new band of park 'groupies'.
There was only one sour note during the entire evening and it came in the form of the bloke sitting opposite us (who shall remain nameless and who arrived at that seat much to my chagrin....I knew his form).
And he was true to form. Apart from the fact he and his wife spent much of their time seeing just how many dim sims or spring rolls they could hoover off each passing plate (with both hands at once, mind you), he maintained a running diatribe of criticism of the wines being offered. We all know that many of these are not to our personal tastes....that's not the point. We just wish that those who are not prepared to enter into the real spirit of the evening would just stay in their vans. Fortunately, after the last nibble tray had done the rounds, he and his wife found that they had nothing to keep them there.....hooray!
Fortunately this pinched and unpleasant person was in the absolute minority here at KB. As for the rest of us, well, we made sure we gathered each Friday evening in the camp kitchen and had the time of our lives.
Even those who cannot leave their canine companions in the van could join in and take up a seat in the 'outer'.
And, as always, we had to sing for our suppers, first the boys
and then the girls,
cheered on by the 'likely lads'
And, again as always, your scribe was hauled onto his feet on several occasions to provide singing support for Marcus
and Corey.
The main speakers on the karaoke machine had died over the summer, and although sound had been routed through the TV system, it was not really up to scratch, and the karaoke sessions were limited as a result.
But that's not to say some didn't end with a bang. Tracey was her usual ebullient self, even if she and Wayne were performing to a limited audience on this particular occasion.
So let me conclude this pot pourri of camp kitchen silliness with what we have all voted the crowning glory of park nonsense for this year......'Shadow' the dog.
He just loves to have his ears tickled! What, you can't see anything? My good mate Silvio decided this year that he was tired of being one of the few to arrive without a pet. 'Shadow' , the invisible dog was born. But, as an exemplary park citizen, Silv never let Shadow off his lead,
particularly when he was coming visiting and meeting other dogs. I know....grown men and all that. Never a dull moment here at KB...well rarely!
Notwithstanding all this nonsense, there can be a serious side to the camaraderie here at KB. One of the park regular couples hail from SA, from Pinery to be precise, the area utterly devastated by a massive bush fire last summer. Shirley and Allan lost everything except their car, van and the clothes they were wearing.
A donations bowl was set up at each Wednesday scone morning. Unbeknown to them, they were to be the beneficiaries. We all had great pleasure in watching Shirley's and Allan's reaction when, on their last Friday night in the park, Tracey handed them just over $400 and our collective best wishes for the rebuilding programme which was to be in full swing on their return to say they were touched, is a masterpiece of understatement.
But, you see, this really encapsulates what this park is all about, and why we come back year after year.
And one in our company could not be happier about that. Max absolutely loves Kurrimine Beach. Here, each morning (each dry morning to be more precise), he goes on patrol in the leaf litter and grass at the rear of our slab, drawn by the constant and elusive rustle of small skinks.
Fortunately for the local wild life his strike rate is abysmal.
Even when he does have success, he invariably looses concentration and his potential prey skitter off back whence they came. As we have always said, Max would starve in the wild!
All this morning activity has an inevitable result. We never see much of Max in the afternoon!
Well, folks, that's about it for Kurrimine Beach 2016, a year which will be remembered for many things.....great company, constant laughter, some good fish (I did manage two days out in the park boat when we defied the trend for this year and actually caught some fine spotted mackerel), hilarious social nights in the camp kitchen....oh, yes, and the rain!
It could not possibly be this wet next year is the thought uppermost in our minds as we prepare to make our departure. Or could it? By this time next year we should have the answer.
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