Sunday 4 September 2016


'Xmas in July' is one of the highlights of the 'season' here at KB. Many who make the annual pilgrimage to escape the winter chills of the southern states ensure that their arrival is timed to allow them to be part of the nonsense. We are no exception. The seating in the camp kitchen is limited and this is a particularly popular event. All the regulars can assume automatic entree, but any arriving without a prior booking may well find themselves on the outer.  

Obviously our plans and our arrival date meant that we were well established logistically, had renewed our many old acquaintances with fellow 'KB boomerangs' and were ready to party.

As usual, the venue was well decorated

and at the appointed hour we began to line up for a glass or two of Tracey's (park manager) particularly potent punch. I even managed to break out a set of 'party rags' for the occasion.

Mind you, many go much further than that.

With the hall bedecked, if not with boughs of ivy, at least with an eclectic assortment of streamers, balloons, baubles and other bits and bobs, 

the long tables were soon crowded with revellers,

and our group was no exception. We were sharing the festivities with our good travelling friends Trish and Silvio (fellow KBB's) and Lesley and Bill, a couple we had first met at Bremer Bay in March 2015 and elsewhere beyond that. 

Indeed they had come to KB at our recommendation.....we were somewhat relieved to find that it had lived up to expectation. Prior to our arrival they had made the acquaintance of two other couples, one of whom live but a stone's throw from the Vogts on the Mornington Peninsula. We were in most excellent company. 

One point of some contention at affairs such as these can be the pecking order of service. No matter what level of reassurance as to the quantity of food available is given, there are sadly always some who attack the food tables as if this was to be their last meal on earth. Fortunately the wise and experienced Tracey is one step ahead of these human gannets. An order of presentation to the food line must be established and maintained.

A raffle has been one method in the past.....this year was to be entirely different. Trace and daughter Hannah explained the rules.

From each table one poor unfortunate was selected (by popular vote, otherwise known as a 'railroad') to be the representative fool. And the rest of us were then tasked with bedecking this 'table volunteer' with as much of the bits of Xmas table bling as possible. 


Once the 'down tools' whistle blew, each walking Xmas ornament lined up. ("No boys, the suggestion that you all look like village idiots is merely a viscous rumour"!) The table pecking order was then established by the level of popular acclamation each received...a completely subjective system but a lot of fun. 

In the meantime, Corey (park manager also) had been busy laying out the viands. Roast beef, pork, chicken and a baked ham all awaited our attention.

In the spirit of sensible cooperation, each participant in the evening is asked to arrive with an offering for either the salad or sweets table and, as in the past, there was no shortage.

We were last cab off the rank (boo hiss, rigged!) and looking at the piles on a few of the plates being brought back to other tables,

there was a slight stirring of anxiety amongst some in our throng. With the benefit our past experience, we knew better.....and sure enough we were soon noshing on with the best of them. The park owners and management here do the most extraordinary job in providing this feast.

Mains done and dusted, and it was a reverse order visit to the sweets trolley where Liz's contribution, a most excellent Xmas trifle, held pride of place (and was demolished in a trice).

I was delighted when 'Frog', an old park friend of ours (we also ran into him and his wife at Mataranka Springs in late June last year...this can be a very small world) rose to his feet to propose a heartfelt and thoroughly endorsed vote of thanks to all involved in presenting such a fabulous feast. I had been planning to do exactly the same.. but was more than happy he beat me to it.

But of course, the evening was far from over. In something of a departure from tradition, karaoke did not feature this year (to the great relief of some of the more staid of the camp!), but music from a boom box more than adequately compensated. Liz and Eunice were soon on their feet,

and what's a good knees up without a bit of the old classic romp, 'Nutbush City Limits' when some discover just how much they have actually had to drink...but not our Tania and Eunice!

Xmas in July 2016, Kurrimine Beach style, was another triumph. Convivial company, fine fare, adequate alcohol and musical mayhem.....what more could we ask for? Perhaps some sunshine........sorry folks, there are some things even the best park mangers cannot control.

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