Friday 1 June 2018


Well, dear readers, I recall saying at the end of my last update that by now we have come to expect the unexpected, or words to that effect. How true that has proven to be, and hence this new update for all who keep track of our travel plans.

In a word they are now 'kaput'! 

A fortnight ago Liz's ageing Mum had a bad fall in her nursing home. I'll not bore you with the details....suffice it to say that after a rushed trip to hospital and subsequent advice from a number of specialists, we have decided that we have no choice but to remain in Adelaide for the foreseeable future. 

Short of any major developments in the interim we plan to review the situation at the end of July. At least this has taken the pressure off the social calendar and Liz will be able to bolster the financial coffers significantly with continued good works at The Memorial Hospital (they are delighted that she'll now be remaining on deck for some time!). 

So for now the winter woollies will remain close at hand, the cook books will be opened to the soup and casserole sections, I'll be off shortly to refill the diesel heater tank, and we are now thankful that the Tasmanian 'summer' has at least acclimatized us a little for the cold which has already overtaken us!

I must confess there is another advantage.....I'll hopefully be able to get back to the blog. What with Surf Club By-Law rewrites (which grew legs!), a lost week with Liz's mum, my trip to Canberra last week, a computer which died and had to be replaced (we were without one for nearly a week and I'm still getting used to the new keyboard), a burst hot water system hose repair and a microwave oven which also curled up its toes (spent two days finding a replacement and fitting it), revisiting Tassie at the keyboard has been the last item on my recent agenda.  

That should be remedied as of tomorrow........but then.........!

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