Wednesday 22 July 2015


We are back in our old stamping ground. Kurrimine Beach welcomed us Sunday week ago (a day early) and here we shall stay for probably the next six weeks at least. We have settled into our usual site and are surrounded by many of the regular winter visitors to this park.

To our great delight nothing much has changed, apart from the beach, which has been badly scoured out by recent storms. The local Motel is still churning out its $10 per head Friday fish buffet and its similarly priced Sunday three course BBQ (these have to be the best value feeds in the country!)

Wednesday morning scones and the Friday camp happy hour with sausage sizzles and more, karaoke and other varieties of raucous entertainment, are all underway for the season and the fish have been biting (reluctantly).

The only grizzle we have at the moment is the weather. After an most unseasonably cold spell during the first few days after our arrival it is now raining and drizzling, and has been for the past four days with no immediate change in sight over the next five or so. At least it is not cold, but we are all over being damp. 

And after all the recent dust and desolation of the drought stricken outback, it is marvellous to be back in the lush green surrounds of the cane country. Mind you, the poor old cane growers are tearing their hair has been too wet to harvest effectively and that will have a major effect on their new planting schedule. This latest wet spell is causing real concern in the industry.

The major social event of the season is almost upon us....this coming Saturday will find then entire park's population in the (revamped and larger) camp kitchen for 'Christmas in July' Kurrimine Beach style.

Spit roasted pork and beef, BBQ chicken and potato bakes are provided by the management.  We all contribute a shared salad or dessert. The karaoke microphone will descend on the feasting horde after we have eaten, and then it all starts to happen.  I have been told that last year the stayers did not totter back to their vans until 0300 hours.....this is the one night of the year when all the rules about quite time are thrown out. Bring it on!

Given our now confirmed return date to Adelaide (17 October) and our plan to now spend a few days en route in Mildura soaking up some last minute sunshine, the Toowoomba Garden festival is now off the agenda. We still intend to catch up with mates in Brisbane and Canberra, and rendezvous somewhere locally with our very good Sydney friends, but beyond that our itinerary is fluid.  I'll have more to say about this later for any who may be interested. 

For now, I am working hard to catch up with the remainder of our WA and NT adventures to date....only two months behind as I type, but I'm determined to have it all finished by the time we leave here (just in time for more material!)  

At least we are now no longer snapping away....this is all old hat here (and I have no intention of repeating previous missives) but I shall share some of the highlights as they occur, if the photos are in focus! 

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